------ oTasks - A multi-users tasks management system ------ * Copyright (C) 2001 Olivier Müller http://otasks.sourceforge.net $Id: ChangeLog,v 1.22 2002/08/26 12:57:40 swix Exp $ $Source: /cvsroot/otasks/otasks/ChangeLog,v $ 2002-08-26 Olivier Müller * [ 456363 ] remove task #s from task list -> done. * [ 451093 ] Show due date in task list -> done 2002-08-24 Olivier Müller * when replying by mail to a comment with same owner/target: only one mail will be sent * improved comments addition: comment will be saved in DB only after creation, not before displaying the form. * same thing for tasks 2001-06-28 Olivier Müller * fixes in the mail-reply support 2002-02-26 Manuel Jörges * bugfix: fixed most of the "use of undefined constanst xyz"-warnings (error_logging = E_ALL in php.ini) 2002-01-24 Olivier Müller * removed "stealth" bcc from code (was debugging code for personal use, sorry: I didn't thought people would already use the version 0.4 for "real" :) 2001-06-01 Olivier Müller * hightlight commented (">") parts in comments 2001-05-24 Olivier Müller * feature: adding email-reply support, using a redirect-script written in perl : only work for .qmail systems, but should be possible to port it to procmail-based systems. * renamed level1-5 to project, tasks, and subtasks1-3 (tino's idea) * added about and help buttons * released version 0.4 2001-05-20 Olivier Müller * added 5 user-defined fields to the task view and edit form * if status -> done, automaticaly set progress to 100% * added colors for priority information * subtask will have parent task priority (by default) * released version 0.3 2001-05-18 Olivier Müller * task edit: added select fields for priority, progess and status * contacts: fixed display of "Other users" (only display users non listed everywhere else) 2001-05-17 Olivier Müller * fixed display of "Pending requests from other users" (wrong name and email were displayed) : sql fix * fixed display of "Other Users" * show "task path" (last title levels) on task display * added date support (start/deadline) * display subtasks on task-view screen * added feedback form * released version 0.2 2001-05-17 Olivier Müller * lots of changes and new features * release of public version 0.1 2001-05-12 Olivier Müller * only the task owner can change the target * new task/unfocus buttons in menu * reversed priorities: 0 = lowest, 9 = highest * lots of new features... 2001-05-11 Olivier Müller * set up otasks.sourceforge.net 2001-05-10 Olivier Müller * stated to code oTasks